My Tour In Israel

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Mytour-il ,by ilan shchori - The Best Historical Tour Guide for Tel-Aviv and Israel

Ilan Shchori -The Best Historical Tour Guide for Tel-Aviv and Israel

Come and explore Israel and Tel Aviv.  Visit, enjoy and learn all about the beautiful and fascinating places in the State of Israel with Ilan Shchori, journalist and expert Tour Guide of Tel Aviv and Israeli history with 25 years of experience.

Fascinating tours throughout Israel and Tel Aviv,  the first Jewish city in the world, with Ilan Shchori.

Join Ilan Shchori and see  the Galilee, the Sea of Galilee and the Golan heights. The dead sea, Masada, the Jordan river, Jerusalem  and all the holy places  in the Holy land. 

Tours with Ilan Shchori,  the Best Historical Tour Guide for Tel-Aviv and Israel,  can easily be adapted to all types of guests. Special tours for VIP guests, businesses and official visitors.  young and old, families and delegations.

he tours are perfect for individuals and groups, regular or VIP style, both in English and in Hebrew. Ilan Shchori is highly experienced in hosting important guests who require special attention and treatment.

So do not waste time. Order a special tour to the Holy Land with Ilan Shchori




Ilan Shchori & His VIP Car. Tours with Ilan Shchori,  the Best Historical Tour Guide for Tel-Aviv and Israel,  can easily be adapted to all types of guests. Special tours for VIP guests, businesses and official visitors.  young and old, families and delegations.

 Mobille: 972-52-7747748




Sights from the Land of Israel


El-Hama (Israeli side)  and the Yarmuk River - postcard from the sixties 



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